To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.- Reba McEntire

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Lease.

Well, as many of you may already know..we got the apartment :) We were trying to shoot for the middle of September or October first, but the landlord pretty much said it's now or never; therefore, I will be getting up bright and early tomorrow to sign the lease and hand over the first's months rent and security deposit. Then we will be all set to move in. I was going to start moving our big stuff in on Sunday, but New England threw in yet another curve ball and is sending a hurricane our way. So, I'll either be moving things in before work on Saturday or it'll have to wait.

I already have called PSNH, and they will be turning on our power on Monday. Now just to figure out how to pay and set up our propane. Those are our major bills. We can live without the others for now..such as cable, internet, and so on.

I am experiencing excitement, nervousness, and hope on top of many more emotions. This is the biggest step I have taken in my life thus far. People have asked me what I still need. We're all set with furniture and stuff, but can always use encouragement :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Everything will work out just fine! It's a lot of fun to be "grown up" finally and then again..sometimes it isn't! But it'll be great to have your own place! Enjoy!! :)
